Monday, September 15, 2008

Night Terrors....

Last night Sydney had a night terror. It was pretty creepy. It lasted about 30 minutes, she also had one on Friday night. I've learned that they are mostly caused by lack of sleep or a major change in sleeping habits. Since she started going to preschool in the afternoons, she isn't getting as much sleep because she isn't napping on those 3 days. We're going to try to bring back an earlier bedtime and see if that helps.

Hopefully, her sleep schedule adjusts soon...night terrors are very freaky!


IrishMommy said...

Oh, that's no fun. Levi has the same problem. He sees scarey monsters and we now have to keep the closet light on for him!

Undomestic said...

Oh my, sounds scary. Praying for peaceful rest for all of you.


We're doing afternoon preschool, too, and I've been giving Owen a real short nap afterwards just to help him make it through the rest of the night. It's from like 4 to 5, but it really helps. GOOD LUCK! Poor Syd.